Please read the MQHRA terms and conditions for this sale and become familiar with them. Owners (stallion and mare) are bound by these terms and conditions. Proceeds from the MQHRA 2025 Online Stallion Service Auction are contributed to the purse for the 2028 MQHRA Stallion Auction Futurity.

By registering to bid you are agreeing that you have read and understand these conditions. 

  1. Terms of the stallion service agreement are issued by the owner or manager of the farm where the stallion stands.  MQHRA is not involved in the terms or conditions of the stallion service agreement. MQHRA merely provides the stallion service for auction without any further liability.
  2. MQHRA urges bidders to become familiar with the stallion service contract, shipping and or collection fees, terms and expenses involved with the stallion services on which they bid.  All stallion services are sold in concurrence with the conditions and procedures of the farm at which the stallion stands. MQHRA does not make arrangements for any cooled semen. If cooled semen is used, it is the responsibility of the bidder to make arrangements and they will be responsible for any additional expense.
  3. The winning bidder agrees to abide by the terms of the stallion owner’s stallion service contract. The MQHRA does not assume liability for any disputes that may arise between the bidder and the stallion owner.
  4. The donator of the stallion service may require special conditions of sale (such as minimum bid, mare requirements, etc.) Those conditions will be listed with each stallion as needed.
  5. Stallion services shall be advertised in auction advertisements and shall be described in the online catalog with the appropriate information on the farm, horse, and conditions of the sale.
  6. A bidder may bid on any number of stallion services.
  7. Bid closing times are listed online, and remaining bid time is on the stallion info page. Late bids won't be accepted after the closing time, and MQHRA isn't liable for technical issues. In the last 5 minutes, bids trigger a 5-minute extension, promoting fair bidding and providing everyone a chance. Extended stallions display their countdown clock for clarity.
  8. The minimum bid for the stallion service is stated on the stallion information page. Bid increase increments are listed online with the stallion listings.  All bidders will be notified of their underbid via email/text (we strongly suggest you check your bids regularly in case you miss the email for any reason) and given the opportunity to increase their bid, if remaining auction time permits.
  9. The MQHRA reserves the right to disqualify any bid placed by a bidder who has in the past failed to promptly pay any bill issued by the Association.
  10. Winning emails & text messages will be sent out within an hour of the conclusion of the auction instructing you to proceed to pay for your auction(s) you have won. If we do not get confirmation of receipt within 48 hours, your credit card on file will be automatically run with the convenience fee added.
  11. If payment is not received in full within 48 hours, MQHRA may, at its discretion, sell the stallion service to the next highest bidder, re-list the stallion service or exercise any action necessary to collect moneys due. A bid is a binding agreement to pay.
  12. Upon receipt of payment, MQHRA will provide and notify the stallion owner/manager that account has been paid in full and gives full consent for the mare to be bred.  A copy of the stallion service contract will be linked to the winning bidder's order history.
  13. A live foal guarantee may or may not be offered by the stallion donator, please check the stallion listing for guaranteed information.
  14. Stallion services sold are for the 2025 breeding season only. If advertised as Live Foal Guarantee, guarantee will be only to the extent of one (1) return in the following year with the same mare, or a substitute mare acceptable to the stallion owner, in case of death or veterinary certified breeding unsoundness if applicable. No-guarantee seasons do not apply.Check stallion information carefully for guarantee.
  15. If the mare being bred is found not have a live foal from the first breeding season of a guaranteed live foal, and the stallion dies, is sold, or is moved and the stallion owner does not opt to honor the return breeding, the mare owner may request a credit of the amount paid for the breeding to be applied to the next stallion service auction.
  16. If a foal is resulting through a rebreeding under the live foal guarantee, it will be eligible for the MQHRA Stallion Auction Futurity in subsequent years only if the stallion retains its eligibility.
  17. MQHRA reserves the right to disqualify breeding rights for insufficient funds or closed accounts. The payer can rectify the issue promptly upon notification to retain eligibility.