2025 MQHRA Stallion Auction Eligible Stallions

Stallion2023 Foals Eligible for

2025 MSAF Futurity
2024 Foals Eligible for

2026 MSAF Futurity
2025 Foals Eligible for

2027 MSAF Futurity
A Sweet Jess SI 90NoNoNo
Agouti SI 104NoNoNo
Ajs Tres of Paint SI 96NoYesNo
Ali Babe Foose SI 96NoYesNo
Apollitical Spin SI 90NoNoNo
Apollitical Spirit SI 91NoYesNo
BF Farm Boss SI 97NoYesNo
Bigtime Favorite SI 102NoNoNo
Blaak MagicNoYesNo
Bodacious Dash SI 101NoYesYes
BP Phoenix Reign SI 97YesYesNo
BP Wagon Train SI 97YesNoNo
Brindis Por Cayenne SI 105NoNoNo
Buzzinga SI 99NoNoNo
Cahill SI 98NoYesNo
Calculated Risker TBNoNoNo
Call Me Corona SI 96NoNoNo
Call Me MicketysplitNoNoNo
Captain Courage SI 100NoNoYes
Carters Cartel SI 103YesYesYes
Chilitos SI 103NoYesNo
CJ Jimmys CashyNoNoNo
Constituent SI 96YesNoNo
Corona Surfer SI 92YesYesNo
Coronas Leaving You SI 103NoYesNo
Dash Master Jess SI 103YesNoYes
Dashin By All SI 102NoNoNo
Diane To Be A Hero SI 99NoNoNo
Domishay SI 96NoYesYes
Eagle Deluxe SI 102YesYesNo
Eagles Fly Higher SI 114YesYesYes
EC Jet One SI 104NoYesNo
El Camino CL SI 98NoYesNo
El Tartanero Jess SI 103NoNoNo
Eye Am KingYesYesYes
Eye on the Card SI 104NoNoYes
Famous Painted OneYesYesYes
Fast N Famous Jeans SI 96NoNoNo
Fast Prize Jordan SI 109YesYesNo
Fiftyshadezofgrey SI 105NoNoNo
First Down Mr Jess SI 98YesNoNo
First Prize Doc SI 108NoNoNo
First Timber SI 98YesYesYes
Flight PatternsNoNoNo
Go To The GravelYesNoNo
Gone to Be Bright SI 110NoNoNo
Good Candy P SI 92YesYesYes
Hasta Be Fast SI 95YesYesNo
Hawkeye SI 105YesYesYes
Hes Innocent SI 98YesYesYes
Hes Relentless SI 108YesYesYes
Heza Fast Rogue SI 101NoNoNo
Hijo The Jolla SI 97YesNoNo
Imperial Hint TBNoYesNo
Inseperable SI 96NoNoNo
Inspyre SI 101NoNoYes
Its Royal TimeYesYesNo
Ivan James SI 104NoNoNo
Jess Different SI 91NoNoNo
Jess Jones SI 114NoNoNo
Jesscuzican SI 97YesNoNo
Jettastic SI 105NoNoNo
Jodys Money Pop SI 106NoYesNo
Just a Kool Boy SI 110NoNoYes
K W SI 99NoNoNo
Kas Tempting SI 99NoYesYes
KJ Mucho Macho ManYesYesNo
Kool Wagon SI 104YesNoNo
Lethal Corona SI 106NoNoNo
Little PYC SI 96NoNoNo
Living In The Past (APHA)NoYesYes
Louisiana Jambalaya SI 99YesYesNo
Love The Way You Fly SI 116YesYesNo
Mighty B Valiant SI 99YesNoNo
MN GunsNoYesNo
Moonifisant SI 99YesNoNo
Mr Jess TexNoNoYes
Mr Piloto SI 89NoNoYes
Muddy Watters SI 90NoYesNo
One Dashing Eagle SI 98NoNoNo
One Famous Icon SI 103YesYesNo
One Sweet Jess SI 103NoNoNo
One Swift EagleNoYesNo
Open Me A Corona SI 105NoNoYes
Paint Me Perry SI 101YesNoNo
Pilots MoonflashNoNoYes
PYC First Fancy LeeNoNoNo
RC Me Leaving You SI 105NoNoNo
Rip Tide SI 107NoNoNo
Ryder RiteNoYesNo
San Lorenzo SI 105YesYesNo
ShockinglyFamous SI 113NoNoYes
Sixes Liaison SI 102NoNoNo
Stevie B First Cash SI 92NoNoNo
TF Im That Guy SI 105NoNoNo
The Fiscal Cliff SI 109YesYesNo
The Louisiana Cartel SI 109YesNoNo
This Chets a RockinYesNoNo
This Is An Eagle SI 103YesYesYes
Too Tough to Catch SI 104NoNoNo
Toro Grande (TB)NoNoNo
Tough and Good SI 89NoNoNo
Tres Kings SI 91YesNoYes
Triple Vodka SI 101YesNoNo
Turbulent Times SI 94NoNoNo
Ultimo Alex SI 91NoNoNo
Uncle D SI 96YesYesYes
View Me Flying SI 101YesYesYes
Westover Wildcat (TB)NoNoNo
Whirlaway Red SI 92NoYesNo
You Drive I Fly SI 98YesYesNo

BP Phoenix Reign

Capo de Capi

Chickie Cherry Cola

Coronas Leaving You


Famous Painted One

First Down Mr Jess

First Timber

FDD Going Grand

Go to the Gravel

Hasta Be Fast


Hes Relentless

Its Royal Time

JA Jess Perfect


Little PYC

MN Guns

Mr Piloto

One Dashing Eagle

One Fabulous Eagle

One Sweet Jess

Reagle Eagle

Saturday Night Romeo

Stevi B First Cash

TF Im That Guy

This Chets A Rockin

This Is An Eagle

Toro Grande

Triple Vodka

You Drive I Fly